Channeled Message Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension by the Andromedans

 Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension by the Andromedans

Preparation for the Next Stage of Ascension by the Andromedans

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, love and consciousness we, the Andromedans extend to you in support of your ascension and the valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous communication with you about the chaos which is developing or which you may becoming aware of within your being and reality. We shared that the chaos has a purpose of awakening a light explosion within your being creating a powerful healing and awakening of divine consciousness for you to explore in your current reality. The Arcturians shared in their communication with you that we, the Andromedans, are selecting evolved souls who are awake and aware at this time to anchor supreme love through their beings into the Earth to influences and support all of humanity to shift into a vibration of love. With the information of our previous communications in mind we wish to share additional information to support you at this major period of your growth.

In order for the light of your soul and the Creator to explode from within your being into a beacon of light there is a need to be aware of the lesson your soul has come to the Earth to achieve and overcome. This lesson, challenge or hurdle has the purpose of creating unison between your soul and every reality of your being, for example, your body, auric field, reality, mind and emotions. Often this lesson, challenge or hurdle feels like a limitation, something you are being denied. Even though you may have placed effort and focus upon healing or transforming this area, it may still feel out of your reach. It may also be the cause or be manifesting as chaos in your current reality.

Any form of chaos is required to be approached from a space of love, even amusement and non-attachment if possible. There is no need to activate drama or negative feelings within in response to small experiences of chaos manifesting within your reality. Allow yourself to enjoy being observant .... More at


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